Do you want to learn How to become a Master Manifestor so that you can Attract everything you dream about?

In this 11 week Transformational journey you will learn How to Manifest, become Magnetic and Attract everything you desire & How to make your Wildest Dreams come True

You are such a powerful being, and it’s time to learn the true power of your mind & learn to master your energy and frequency. Life doesn’t happen TO you, life happens in respondance to your thoughts, focus & energy.

When you learn to Master your Mind,
you will learn to Master your Life!

When you learn to Master your energy & attention and work with the Universal Laws, you will become a Master Manifestor!

YOU are the Magnet!

I invite you to join me in my new signature Transformational program called Magnetic Manifestation. Over the course of 11 weeks, I will teach you and fellow soulsisters about Manifestation, energies, frequencies, the power of your mindset, universal laws, visualization & embodiment - so that you recall how powerful you are & how you can create the life that you truly dream about!

It’s my intention, that during each call in this program you will step more and more back into your true power as the powerful creator that you are & at the time that we’re done with the 11 weeks together, you have already manifested some absolutely incredible things/experiences into your reality.

Stay tuned for new rounds, or sign up for my newsletter to be the first to heart about it!

Magnetic Manifestation

WEEK 1: YOU are the Magnet - Law of Attraction

WEEK 2: The Universal Laws

WEEK 3: Mindset & Identity

WEEK 4: Releasing & Clearing Limiting Beliefs & Blocks

WEEK 5: Crystal Clear Vision

WEEK 6: Energetics, Frequency & Manifestation

WEEK 7: Intuition & Guidance

WEEK 8: Embodying your Future Self

WEEK 9: Feeling is the Secret

WEEK 10: Masculine & Feminine Energies

WEEK 11: Reclamation (final call)


MODULE 1: YOU are the Magnet - Law of Attraction

In the first module we’ll touch on the very foundations of this Course: that YOU are the Magnet! How you are the one magnetising everything into your reality through the Law of Attraction. You will already here, start to realize, how much power you truly hold within!

MODULE 2: The Universal Laws

Not only are you a Magnet, but we live in a Universe where there are many different universal laws at play (fx the Law of Gravity), but also more fascinating laws, such as fx the Law of Attraction and the Law of Inspired Action. In this module we will go through the Universal Laws, so that you can start to learn to really know them & actively use them in your own favour.

MODULE 3: Mindset & Identity

The power of your Mindset is incredible, and here we will start to dissect it & see how you have created the results you have so far in your life based on the programming & conditioning you’ve learned when growing up. We’ll dive deeper into what identity you’ve taken on & how we can change it and start to reprogram our subconscious mind, so that we can get our conscious AND subconscious mind on board with our big dreams.

MODULE 4: Releasing & Clearing Limiting Beliefs & Blocks

Based off on the prior week, where we identified some of the programming you’ve learned, we will dive deeper into what limiting beliefs & blocks you’ve taken on in your life so far, and how we can start to release & clear them. Often times, it’s not about “doing” more or learning new things, it’s actually about unlearning a lot of things and beliefs.

MODULE 5: Crystal Clear Vision

Once we’ve learned more about what has been holding us back, and how we might have played small & safe in life - it’s time to dream big again and get Crystal Clear on YOUR vision. Here we will dive really deep into what really calls YOU, not everyone else, but YOU! And we will start to connect you to this clear vision, so that you can start to magnetize it into your reality

MODULE 6: Energetics, Frequency & Manifestation

Now that your vision is clear, and you KNOW what you want. It’s time we start actively working with the energetics in this Universe. EVERYTHING is energy - and manifesting things into your reality, is all about getting on the right frequency - the frequency that matches your desires

MODULE 7: Intuition & Guidance

You, your body & your higher self are so incredibly intelligent. It’s often times when we have tried for “so long and hard” to make something happen, that all of a sudden we get the most random “intuitive thought” of doing something, then we follow it - and that suddenly leads to a breakthrough! It often times makes NO logical sense, yet it is your most supernatural tool. In this module we will dive deeper into how you can learn to strengthen your intuition & have the courage to start following the guidance that you get

MODULE 8: Embodying your Future Self

Once we know what we want and are clear on it, it’s time to live it, it’s time to EMBODY it. Because embodying your future self, is how you become an energetic match to your desires and call it into your reality. Here we will dive deeper into how you can start to embody your future self

MODULE 9: Feeling is the Secret

As Neville Goddard has said it: Feeling is the Secret. It’s when we feel it & embody it, and connect to our desire and live from the end-state, that we become the energetic match to it & manifest it into our reality.

MODULE 10: Masculine & Feminine Energies

We all contain both Masculine & Feminine energies in us (yin & yang), and these two energies are incredibly important when it comes to manifesting. It is often here that it goes “wrong” for someone when they try to manifest, either they are too much in their masculine (productive/doing energy), or they lean way too much into their feminine energy (relax/surrender) and they don’t take any action at all towards making their dreams a reality. In this module we will look deeper into how you can balance the two energies, to call your manifestations quicker into your world

MODULE 11: Reclamation

The final module of the Course is called the Reclamation: this is where you will reclaim back your power as the truly powerful co-creator that you are! It is my biggest intention that at this point, you have so much faith & belief in both yourself AND in the Universal support that you have behind you, that you are ready to (and maybe already have started to at this point) manifest your WILDEST dreams into your reality!


“It was such an amazing course 🔥🔥🔥🔥”


“I feel that you have this effortless ability to manifest and see things with clarity, it just seems so natural for you. It literally shines out of your face, that’s why I am soooo grateful to have you as my coach. You have this effect on people which makes them calm, reassured, and feel accepted for who they are. At times during your Master Class, I felt your acceptance of me, and that validation is honestly such a beautiful gift that you have given me. Thank you”


“Thanks again for the session tonight! It really raised my frequency and helped me release tensions! Your energy is pure gold ✨ Camilla! Keep spreading good vibes!”


“Your energy is the sweetest and kindest and actually helps me regulate my nervous system so easily and smoothly. I could easily connect with your own stories and experiences and it all made the concept of manifestation even more “achieveable”! The energy of the group was also something I was looking forward to for every call! I loved how sharing our own experiences with each other helped us! If you’re still wondering if Camilla’s program is the right fit for you, just know that you’re in her circle for a reason, just allow her to make your life smoother and even more magical by allowing her to share her wisdom with you!”



I’m Camilla and I’m a Mindset & Manifestation Coach. I’m here to help souls believe in themselves again, build up their self-worth & pursuing their big dreams and their purpose in life. I believe wholeheartedly, that we heal this world by healing ourselves, and that we make this world a better one by each and everyone of us raising our own frequency & by sharing our own unique light. 

My approach to guiding others is with the belief that we already KNOW the right answers, so I’m guiding and holding space for others to come back home to their true authentic self, from the most loving and comforting place, yet at the same time - gently pushing you out of your own comfort zone, so you can step fully into your light!

I’m here to help souls raise their frequencies, unlock their full potential & become magnetic to their wildest desires, because I believe that you wouldn't have them, if you weren't meant for them!

I’ve been called a "Master Manifestor" by SO many by now, and I gotta admit; manifesting things, opportunities, experiences, people etc. has become so easy by now. And there are some very simple steps that I've learned over the past many years that have helped me to manifest AMAZING things into my life" – and the best part is:  YOU CAN DO IT TOO! And that is EXACTLY why I’ve created this program, so that you can learn to become a Master Manifestor yourself!

If you are ready to take your life to the next level & take the power back into your own hand - then it would be my biggest honour to guide you in my program


  • An 11 week Transformational Course

  • Live sessions on Zoom every single week, all session will be held on Tuesday evenings at 19.00pm (central european time) and last for about 1 hour (recordings will also be available)

  • A Workbook with journal prompts & exercises

  • Lots of Guided Meditations & Activations to support you on the journey

  • You also get full access to Camilla during the Course & there will be coaching opportunities on the live calls


Can I join this Course even though I’m not from Denmark?

You absolutely can! This Course is held in English & it is held live on Zoom, so you can join from wherever you are located in the world.

I really want to join, but I can’t make it live for all the modules. Can I still sign join?

100% ! I would say you get the best experience being there live for the sessions, but everyone in the Course will get the recordings send to them afterwards, so you can still join even though you can’t be there live for all the calls.

How does the program work?

It’s an 11 week long program and we will “meet” online on Zoom every single Tuesday at the same time throughout the entire course. Here Camilla will present the new topic of the week where we will dive deep into it (there are also room for conversation & coaching, and you will be guided through Activations and Meditations from time to time).

What times are the live modules?

All the live sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings at 19.00pm (cet) (central european time)

How long is the program? And what do I do if I “fall behind” on any of the modules?

The Program is 11 weeks long, with new modules every single week. But, as there will be recordings available and you will get lifetime access to these, there are no need to worry or stress about getting them done in time. I would recommend to show up live for all the sessions, and then you can always rewatch the modules later on if you need to go through it again.

Are there any payment plans available?

If you can’t pay in full, please please don’t hesitate to reach out to me & then we can figure out a payment plan together (you can find me on instagram @camillatromborg and send me a DM, or you can send me a e-mail at: ).


Stay tuned for when the Course launches again - by signing up to my Newsletter